Bucket expression arithmetic

Updated for ver. 2.006. 2021-03-11

This document describes in detail the syntax and semantics of expressions used in determining the set of buckets into which a piece can be moved. These expressions appear as the last field of each "atom" in rule sets.

Set-based evaluation

Whenever a given "atom" of a rule matches the position, shape, and color of a piece which the player attempts to move, the game engine evaluates the expression in the "bucket" field of the atom, obtaining the list of buckets into which this piece can be moved. The move is allowed only if the destination bucket chosen by the player is among the buckets on this list.

The expression in the bucket list is always evaluated to a set. It can be an empty set (which means that the piece cannot be moved), a set with one element (i.e. there is only one possible destination), or a set with several elements.


Formally, the syntax of the expression in the bucket field can be described by the following grammar:

The table above also shows the precedence of operators (i.e. the order of execution): operators composing any E1-type expressions have the highest precedence, following by those composing E2-type expressions, etc.

As in most languages, additive and multiplicative expressions are evaluated from the left to the right, i.e. p-pc+ps-3 is the same as (((p-pc)+ps)-3)


The arithmetic is performed on sets, but, as long as all sets involved have exactly one value, the process looks entirely like the evaluation of an expression in a language such as Java or C++, with an exception for the equality and negation operations (discussed below).

As in most programming languages, one can insert additional (unnecessary) parentheses around high-precedence subexpressions without affecting their meaning. So, for example, !!p has the same meaning as (!(!(p))), and 2*3-1, as ((2*3)-1).

Final modulo-4 processing

Since buckets are numbered 0 thru 3, a bucket number outside of this range makes no sense. Therefore, after the bucket expression is computed, every memeber of the resulting set is translated to the [0..3] range by a modulo-4 transformation, i.e. n := ((n%4)+4)%4. (It is not simply (n%4) because the % operation in Java or C, or in our language, produces a negative result on a negative argument; e.g. (-5)%4=(-1)). Therefore, it is safely, for example, to write simply p+1, instead of (p+1)%4, to mean "the next bucket (in the clockwise order) after the bucket into which accepted the previous moved piece".


Top left bucket 0
Top left bucket or top right bucket [0,1]
The same bucket into which the last piece of the same color was put, or the opposite bucket [pc,pc+2]
Any bucket along the same horizontal edge of the board as the previously used bucket. (That is, if the previous bucket was at the top edge of the board (0 or 1), then you can use 0 or 1 now; if the previous bucket was at the bottom edge of the board (2 or 3), then you can use 2 or 3 now). [(p/2)*2, (p/2)*2+1]
Ditto [(p==[0,1])*[0,1], (p==[2,3])*[2,3]]
If pc is defined (i.e. if any piece of this color has been put into a bucket already), then [0,1]; otherwise, empty set []. (pc==[0,1,2,3])*[0,1]
Ditto !!pc*[0,1]
If p is defined (i.e. at least one piece has been picked), you can pick any pieces in the quadrant of the board that's closest to the most recently used bucket. Otherwise (i.e. if it's the first move of the game), no piece can be picked. (p==Nearby)*Nearby
If p is defined, then empty set []; otherwise, [1] !p
If p is defined, then [1]; otherwise, [] !!p
Ditto (p==[0,1,2,3])*1
If p is defined, you then p-1 (modulo 4); otherwise, [0,1,2,3]. In other words, if no piece has been put into a bucket yet, you can use any bucket; otherwise, you must use the bucket that's next in the counterclockwise order to the last bucket that was used. [!p*[0,1,2,3], !!p*(p-1)]

Rule set examples

Example 1

(1,*,*,*,[!p*[0,1,2,3], !!p*(p-1)])

Try it!

You can test your arithmetic in this form: Expression entry form.

[Rule set syntax] [Main page]