Feel free to use the stimuli below, but please cite the appropriate paper if you do.
(more stimuli coming soon – please email me if you need them)

The blue “aliens” used in Lupyan, Rakison, & McClelland, (2007). These “YUFOs” were created by Mike Tarr’s lab. Please credit his lab for their use. You can download the full set of YUFOs here.

Chairs, tables, and lamps used in Lupyan (2008, JEP:G): Chairs, Tables, Lamps
More IKEA furniture. Great for use in memory studies: Bowls, Plates
(I have obtained permission from IKEA to use these in my work; you may need to obtain your own permission if you are including a figure using these stimuli)

The B, b, and p stimuli. (Lupyan, 2008 & Lupyan, Thompson-Schill, & Swingley, 2010)

Pictures of some familiar objects/animals and their characteristic sounds (Lupyan & Thompson-Schill, 2010, in press, JEP:G): Exp 1/3, Exp 2, Exp 4

Pictures and sounds of familiar categories of animals and artifacts with visually and aurally distinct subcategories (Edmiston & Lupyan, 2015: Exp 1A, 1B).

More pictures and sounds of familiar animals and artifacts with characteristic sounds (Edmiston & Lupyan, 2012: Exp 2; Edmiston & Lupyan, 2015: Exp 2, 3).

Visual and nonvisual feature questions and a demo of the visual interference used in Edmiston & Lupyan (under review) are available from the Open Science Framework project for the research, available here.

Stimuli used in Semantic Effects on Colors Afterimages, in press in Acta Psychologica. The photoshop action used for making the afterimages can be downloaded here